It will be your responsibility to clear shipments being sent and ensure all the items being shipped meet the regulations. You will need to file all the necessary paperwork for these shipped items to all the government agencies. You will act as a liaison between the importer, the exporter and the government. If you already work in the import and export area, you are ahead of the game. You need to be a US citizen, not be employed by the federal government and be of good moral standing.
There are customs broker classes and courses you can take and also government-issued materials for you to study. Having established knowledge of importing and exporting will be needed. This included a thorough understanding of entry procedures and requirements, valuation, any fines and penalties that may be brought, classification, and all the rates, duty, taxes and fees for imported goods. You may also want to consider some type of entry-level employment in the importing and exporting area, to help you become familiar with the laws, the procedures and terminology.
Hands-on tends to be the best way to learn the ropes. Preparing to take the customs broker exam requires a solid course to help you learn all the information. There are courses offered online so you can work at your own pace. There will also be help available around the clock. You will learn all about the rules and regulations involved, all the forms and requirements, valid codes, metric conversion, pitfalls to watch for and all the ongoing updates to the laws.
Expect questions regarding rules and laws, but also real-life scenarios that may occur while on the job. Once you submit your application, you will be investigated for a criminal record, any credit issues and character references will also be required. They will do their own investigation similar to the government one. There, the Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade, will let you know if your application is approved or not. What is the average salary for a Customs Broker?
Do I need previous experience? All your answers here. Skip to content. Enrollment Now Open. Customs Broker License Exam Course. New E-Course option. This course is ideal for those who have tried other course providers without success. View Sample Lecture. You will also learn about trade agreements, preferential tariff duty rates and the rules of origin for imported goods.
At the end of the course participants should have a good understanding of Customs Valuation, Origin and Preference. During this course attendees will learn about the structure, functions and use of the New Zealand Customs Tariff and the classification of goods. This final workshop includes a practical session where students will complete customs entries to bring together the theory they have learnt throughout the course.
NZ Customs will not issue a UUI to persons not actively engaged in the industry as the lodgement of Customs entries require linking users to an employer and clients. Instead of attending blocks of 2 or 3 days in duration, the course is run one day per week usually Thursdays for a duration of nine weeks.
This option is ideal for those who have work commitments that make it difficult to be offsite for several days in a row, or prefer a more continuous model of training. As NZ Customs entries require a good command of the English language, there is not an option to complete the final examination in Te Reo Maori.