The Junk Email filter is activated by phrasing e. Since junk email adds to your account quota, you should delete junk messages regularly. This document will explain how to change Entourage's email filter and how Entourage allows you to bypass the filter in different ways.
There are differing degrees of strength in Entourage's junk email filter. Consider the purpose of the email account, the type of incoming messages you are expecting, and your account quota before choosing which filter is most appropriate for you.
From the Tools menu, select Junk E-mail Protection The Junk E-mail Protection dialog box appears. Exclusive Permits only messages from your Address Book , domains from your Safe Domains list, and addresses in your Mailing list Manager.
Be sure to check your Junk E-mail folder often. In the Delete messages from the Junk E-mail folder older than text box, type the number of days a message will remain in the Junk E-mail folder before it is automatically deleted.
I am sure that older eyes can appreciate this. There is also some well-deserved criticism to dish out. As useful as Entourage is, it is expensive. It forces you to buy the whole Office suite. That's not cheap for email! The price point means thinking about your needs before reaching for your wallet. Do you need the extra features and Office integration?
Do you need the rest of the Office suite? Does the project management function mean concrete time savings? For that last question, yes. Performance is another issue for those of us with older Macs.
My five-year-old G4 has two MHz processors, and while other email software responds well, MS Entourage is simply sluggish. I remember receiving an email from a reader telling me that he found Thunderbird slow on his G3 setup. If Thunderbird seems slow, Entourage has to be one heck of a snail!
Database integrity is another issue. While other software splits mailboxes and folders into several databases, Entourage uses one file for the whole database. This adds possibilities for features, but if that one file becomes corrupt, your whole mail database is corrupt. That's quite a risk. It makes your mail vulnerable to file problems. Therefore, you may lose mail if you have to force quit the application or if a power failure shuts down your Mac while you use Entourage.
A potential solution is making daily backups of the mail database. With all of this in mind, Entourage is a great alternative to Apple Mail. It offers plenty of power and Office integration.
But mostly it makes email management easy. It's expensive, but Microsoft offers a day test drive for your convenience. He discovered the Mac in , and his work on a PC reminds him every day why he embraced Apple's platform. Munger has also authored some MacDaniel columns. You can learn more about him on his personal website. Thursday, April 5, Entourage Database Repair when preferences of the application are damaged. This personal information manager is a part of the MS Office suite for Apple users.
The latest version of Entourage application is Entourage was released on Jan You may at times face the problem with Entourage application that it quits unexpectedly.
This makes it difficult to access data from your Mac application and creates a great possibility of database corruption.
When facing unexpected behaviour from the application, one needs to look for Entourage Database Repair options. One such problem often encountered by Entourage users is that the application sometimes quits unexpectedly and gives an error message that says the database is corrupt or damaged. The probelm can be the result of a number of reasons. Cause: This behaviour can be the result of damage or corruption in the Mac OS X preferences of the application.
Another factor that can trigger the unexpected quitting of the application can be corruption in the database Identity. Resolve: If the problem is caused by the corruption in preferences, you can restore them through the following steps: 1.
Open preferences folder. Select Microsoft Entourage preferences file. Move these selected files to desktop and see if the Entourage application is now working fine. If the problem still lingers, then you can restore the database from the most recent backup. However, a backup is not always available and in such situations you can rebuild Entourage database.
Microsoft's free utility 'Database Utility' helps to rebuild the Entourage database and performs efficacious Entourage Database Repair. But if none of the resolve is able to help, then it is time to seek the aid of a commercial third pary Entourage Database Repair Tool. These third party utilities can successfully recover all the cardinal data from the Entourage application such as emails, address book, notes, calendar entries etc. This is a completely read only software that can recover the lost mails and folders.
This adroid Entourage database repair tool shows the preview of the objects it can recover in a three view structure. This dexterous tool is compatible with Mac OS X Try Entourage Repair Software.
For Apple Mac users, one of the best things by Microsoft has been Entourage. This widely popular email application makes communication easy and comes ladden with a whole bunch of advanced features. One of the key highlights about Entourage is its ability to work as an Exchange client.
Microsoft Exchange keeps business communication smooth and provides a collaborative email environment that suits best for enterprises. A number of critical factors play a major role in establishing connectivity between Microsoft Exchange Server and Entourage such as LDAP functions, certificates and more.
If you continue, the information you view and send will be encrypted, but will not be secure. Grounds of the issue: This error makes all the mail related tasks impossible. Sending or receiving mails or even accessing user's inbox is not allowed.
This creates a situation of serious data loss that has to resolved. The issue can result from many factors such as improper installation of root certificate, LDAP lookup or corruption in the Microsoft Entourage database. Troubleshooting this error is possible, else there are Entourage Repair Software that can do the job. Troubleshooting: If the problem is a result of root certificate validation, contact your certificate provider to resolve the issue by asking for a valid certificate.
If LDAP lookup is the root cause of your problem, then follow these steps: 1. Click on Entourage Menu, choose Account Settings. Double click it to open Exchange account. From the Edit Account dialog, choose Advanced tab.
Ensure that it is deselected. This should help resolve the error. If the error still persists, it is case of database corruption. You can either rebuild Entourage database or try third party Entourage Repair Software that can recover all the vital data from the corrupt database. Labels: entourage database recovery , entourage database repair , entourage repair , entourage repair software , microsoft entourage recovery , Microsoft entourage repair , rebuild entourage database.
Microsoft is a well known email application for Apple Mac users. Entourage facilitates emails, contacts, calendar, notes, tasks and project manager. The ability to work as a client for Microsoft Exchange is another feather in its cap. Entourage is deployed by a number of professional Mac users as their personal information manager. The difference between the two is that HTML emails incorporate links, brochures, images, and templates to be inserted in the body of the message for better readability and understanding.
In some cases, complex formatting also causes the Microsoft Entourage application to crash which can cause corruption in the database. If unexpected crash corrupts the application then Entourage Repair is required. To fix the problem of complex formatting follow these steps: 1.
Re-launch the Entourage application see if the problem still occurs. If the problem persists, move the files back to their original location. If it resolves the issue, remove those files permanently. If the aforestated steps fail to resolve the issue, then it is case of Entourage database corruption.
When the Entourage application burns with the heat of corruption, then the first step is to rebuild Entourage database. For this Microsoft has provided an inbuilt utility named Database Utility. This utility helps to rebuild the Entourage database and makes it accessible again. However, if the utility is somehow not able to rebuild the database and there is no backup available, then it is time to seek professional help. The market is flooding with a number of professional third party Entourage Repair software that can effectively handle such cases of database corruption.
The demo version of this adroit tool offers the preview of recoverable items in a three view structure. The software is compatible with Mac OS X Labels: entourage database recovery , entourage database repair , entourage repair , entourage repair software , Microsoft entourage repair , rebuild entourage database. Thursday, February 16, What to do when Entourage Application keeps crashing? Microsoft Entourage comes as a part of office productivity suite for Mac users.
Entourage provides email, calendar, contacts, task list, note list and project manager to its user. Its last version is Entourage which was released on January Entourage is a popular email client for Apple users which works by creating Identities.
Identities faciliate multiple Entourage users each having a different mail account and personal information to work from the same computer. Just like the other email application available in the market, Entourage is not free from corruption.
A commonplace bhaviour of Entourage that is observed at times of database corruption is: Entourage keeps on crashing again and again each time an attempt is made to open it.
Reinstalling the Microsoft Office suite does not solve the problem. Trying to rebuild database using Database Utility proves futile.
Each time Entourage is opened, you have to force quit the application. If Entourage becomes unresponsive or crashes everytime, then all the user data stored in the database will be lost due to inaccessibility. The root of the problem lies in Entourage database corruption owing to: 1. RGE file header corruption 2.
Virus attack 3. Dirty shutdown 4. Improper Entourage termination 5. Application malfunction 6. Missing or corrupt Identity 7. File system problems To resolve the problem of application crashing try to perform Entourage Repair using any one of the following methods: 1.