Mass sims 3 pack installer

Zombies Plants vs. Zombies 2 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Other Plants vs. January I can get the sims3. Me too. Message 1 of 5 3, Views. Reply 0. Re: what is the installation process for sims3.

Message 2 of 5 3, Views. So just copy and paste it into that folder. Sims3Pack have to be installed by the launcher. Just double click on the file. Your package files will also have to install from the launcher but it isn't 'opened' with the launcher.

Don't double click on it. After you have it pasted into your folder, open the launcher and the file should appear. Then you check it and click install. I personally like package files because you can save a ton of those then install them all at the same time on the launcher. Make sure you have the resource file in the folder. You can find that file along with more detailed instructions on package files here.

Message 3 of 5 3, Views. Before you can put the. From patch 1. Download the ready-made FrameworkSetup. Right-click on the download link below and choose "Save link as. Note: The picture shows them with a little green plumbbob icon, and "Sims3 Package" under Type. It's okay if your icon looks like a Sims 2 package icon, a monkey, a white sheet of paper, or anything else, and the type may say "PACKAGE" or something else.

Icon and exactly what it says for "type" are irrelevant as far as working in the game is concerned - what matters is that it ends with. Everything okay? Now if you run the game, your. You already have two package files installed, so you can tell right away whether things are working properly. If you still get the intro movie and build sparkles showing when you test in-game, you must have done something wrong.

It will work this way if done properly! Now that you know that package files are working right in your game, you can start downloading custom content yourself! All of that is explained in detail on: TS3 CC Basics - go there and read about it if you don't know how to do that!


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