Licensing x26 consumer affairs

We investigate complaints and answer hundreds of consumer questions every day. If we can't help, we will provide you with the contact information for a State or Federal agency that can help. Through our secure MyLicense website, licensees have a menu of online self service options available. Search our databases for license and registration information, registered charities, or view Physician, Podiatrist and Optometrist Profiles.

This Cyber Safe NJ website, maintained by the Division of Consumer Affairs, provides useful tips to help consumers take an active role in protecting themselves and their information in the online world.

The Cyber Savvy Youth webpage is maintained by the DCA and provides NJ youth the resources to protect their information and that of their friends and family. The "Anti-Fraud Toolkit" was designed to provide senior citizens with the information they need to recognize and avoid scams. DCA protects and serves consumers in many ways:. Look up a company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs.

Telephone: Email: dca dca. This section provides information and resources to current DCA board and committee members and those interested in becoming appointed to serve as a DCA board or committee member. The review, evaluation, and monitoring will identify strengths and weaknesses of current operations and make recommendations for improvement where appropriate. Duties will be performed with oversight from the Director and her designee.

Deadline is January 18, by 1 p. Contract expected to commence on March 1, for the term of up to two years. The Department of Consumer Affairs is pleased to unveil a new feature of the DCA Data Portal , which displays processing timeframes for initial and renewal license applications for each license type administered by DCA boards and bureaus. Licensed healthcare practitioners with prescribing authority are subject to the e-prescribing requirements established by Assembly Bill AB Wood, Beginning January 1, , most prescriptions including but not limited to prescriptions for controlled substances issued by a licensed healthcare practitioner to a California pharmacy must be submitted electronically.

We help all Massachusetts consumers, home improvement contractors, people seeking help with a recently purchased car, tenants and landlords, and businesses seeking to report a data breach or interested in the data breach notification law. We also oversee 5 regulatory agencies. Click to see which of our agencies below is best suited to address your concern or question! The state regulates building and trades related to construction work and similar projects.

Learn about licensing rules in Massachusetts. The Division of Occupational Licensure oversees 39 boards of registration licenses individuals and businesses in some trades and professions. Massachusetts enforces laws to protect consumers from fraud, deception, and other unfair business practices. Do you own or rent property in Massachusetts? Find resources for tenants and landlords, homeowners, developers, and more. This form only gathers feedback about the website.

Would you like to provide additional feedback to help improve Mass. How much do you agree with the following statements in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree? If you would like to continue helping us improve Mass. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Here's how you know Official websites use.

Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation. I want to Find a service or task. Learn more about Palleschi, Undersecretary. Phone Consumer hotline


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