Various geospatial software programs use KML files since the purpose is to put the data into a format that other programs and web services can easily use. Google Earth was the first program to be able to view and edit KML files, and it's still one of the most popular ways to open KML files online. Google Earth runs in the Chrome web browser only. You can use any text editor, like Notepad in Windows or from a free text editor. However, doing this will just let you see the text version, which includes coordinates and possibly image references, camera tilt angles, timestamps, etc.
MyGeodata Converter is only free for the first three conversions. You can get three free ones each month.
Since the format is actually XML the file is just using the. KML file extension , you can rename. KML to. This is done through your Google My Maps page when adding content to a new map layer. You can make a new layer with the Add layer button. If you still can't get your file to open or convert with the programs mentioned above, you might be misreading the file extension.
It's possible that you're dealing with a file that really has nothing to do with the KML format. Another interchangeable geography data format is Geography Markup Language but they use the similarly spelled.
GML file extension. Create a new map, and use the Import function to locate and open your. KML file. Google Maps supports. KML files natively like Google Earth. You can't. Notice how it is really just one line drawn at altitude above the ground. You can use Polygons to create simple buildings and other shapes. The Pentagon example is generated by drawing simple inner and outer shells and then extruding them down to the ground.
Here is the code :. This section describes some of the KML elements that must be authored using a text editor, such as shared styles for geometry, highlighted icons for Placemarks, and screen overlays. Authoring KML "by hand" is a bit more advanced than using the Google Earth interface to create and modify features, but with a small amount of practice, most users are comfortable editing KML files to add these effects. Once you've created features within Google Earth and examined the KML code Google Earth generates, you'll notice how styles are an important part of how your data is displayed.
Power users will want to learn how to define their own styles. Because more than one element can use the same Style, styles defined and used in this way are referred to as shared styles. If the Style definition is within the same file, precede the Style ID with a sign.
Note that it's easiest if your IDs are descriptive strings so that you can easily tell what their effect is. Here's an example of a style "transBluePoly" that defines a transparent blue color for the polygon faces and a line width of 1. This style is used by Building 41 in the Google Campus example in the Polygons folder :.
The Document defines two styles, one for the "normalPlacemark" and one for the "highlightPlacemark" shown when the cursor rolls over the Icon. There are two icon states: normal and highlight. Screen overlays cannot be authored directly within Google Earth and are thus more difficult to create than ground overlays.
As an example, enable the "Absolute Positioning: Top left" folder in the KML Samples file and you will see a screen overlay at the top left of the view window. This was created with the following KML code:. In this case, the top-left corner of the image 0,1 has been made coincident with the same point on the screen. Check the other examples in the folder to see how it is possible to obtain other fixed positions, and to create images that size dynamically with screen size.
Note that xunits and yunits can also be specified as "pixels" for precision control. For further detail, see the KML 2. The specified file can be either a local file or a file on a remote server.
In their simplest form, network links are a useful way to split one large KML file into smaller, more manageable files on the same computer. So far, all of our examples have required that the KML code be delivered to Google Earth from the local machine. Network links give you the power to serve content from a remote location and are commonly used to distribute data to large numbers of users.
In this way, if the data needs to be amended, it has to be changed only at the source location, and all users receive the updated data automatically. With some knowledge of a scripting language such as PHP, Python, or Perl, you can create a script that delivers a stream or file of KML data to each network link.
The response must be valid KML. For complex applications, proper error handling is very important. Tip: A simple way to handle errors is to parse the server's error as the text for a folder name. This is more informative and more user-friendly than letting the connection drop. Whenever the network link is refreshed, the Python script runs again and generates KML with new latitude and longitude values.
A standard network link is a uni-directional link: data flows only from the server to Google Earth. You can also learn how urbanization has changed the Bay Area landscape since Virtual Tour of the San Francisco Earthquake. Interactive tour of San Francisco Bay Area faults and earthquake history featuring ground-shaking maps, historic photographs, quotes from earthquake survivors, and more.
By downloading this file and opening it in Google Earth, users are able to browse hillshades with two illumination angles and 45 degrees for faults in the northern San Andreas fault system.
The extent of the LiDAR data is shown by the cyan colored outlines. The hillshades will load once the user has zoomed into an area of interest. Digital Map of the Hayward Fault. Map showing active fault traces within the Hayward Fault Zone, including a virtual tour of the Hayward fault in the east San Francisco Bay Region that can be viewed in the Google Earth.
Science Explorer. Mission Areas. Unified Interior Regions. Science Centers. Frequently Asked Questions. Educational Resources. Multimedia Gallery. Web Tools. Board on Geographic Names.